
Joshua 10:24-25 & 11:15-16 (4/8/18)

Walking In Authority

April 8, 2018 • Benham Brothers

These 5 kings had authority....
•Until they were defeated!!!!
•Joshua had his men step on the necks of these kings to show their authority over those who stand against God.
•Normally this would result in death for these men, but these kings had already been defeated.
•We fight FROM victory, not FOR victory.
•Satan knows he’s defeated, that’s why he tries to take people down.
•Just like these kings tried to take the Israelites down.
•God wants us to walk in authority like this, where we are powerful over our enemy, the devil.
•We have the power of the Holy Spirit inside of us and the right to use that power.
•Now all we have to do is use it!
•EXAMPLE - garage door sensors.

Joshua 11:15-16 - Chain of Command
•The key to walking in authority is staying properly aligned with the authority structure God has placed in your life.
•Notice Joshua’s chain of command:
•God - Moses - Joshua - Israel’s leaders - the people. (even though Moses was dead Joshua still honored him)
•So long as each person stayed properly aligned they were powerful.
•EXAMPLE - Back in Joshua 7 Achan stepped outside his chain of command and it ended in destruction.
•God has a chain of command for all of us.
•EXAMPLE: Trae driving.
•BOUNDARIES - in Joshua 13-15 we see detailed boundaries being outlined. Why?
•Because boundaries bring proper alignment so we can walk in authority.
•When we stay “in line” we have security, freedom, and POWER!

Luke 7:1-10 - What Made Jesus Marvel
•The word “also” is the key to the passage.
•The centurion was a man under authority who exercised authority, and he attributed this to Jesus.
•The centurion believed Jesus was God’s Son and had the power to heal.
•So when Jesus chose to come the centurion recognized God had granted Jesus permission to come heal his son.
•Because of this he knew Christ could simply give the order and it would be done.
•And that’s exactly what He did - Jesus never even entered his house!