
Psalms 88:8 (6/5/24)

Staying Connected

June 5, 2024

- We are hardwired for connection. 

- In the Garden, it was not good for man to be alone. 

- God + Adam = not good. 

- God is not all you need - you need others! 

- When we’re not connected to others, we die!  

- Isolation destroys what makes us human without killing the body. 

- This is why prison camps employ isolation for severe psychological punishment. 

- We are socially dependent creatures. 

- According to the biblical worldview, we exist only in communal relationship—with spouse, with children, with tribe, with God. 

- Remove our connections—remove our humanity.

- David experienced this: 

- vs 8 - “You have removed my acquaintances far from me; You have made me an object of loathing to them; I am shut up and cannot go out.” 

- “An object of loathing” is the Hebrew tôʿēbot. 

- The word doesn’t mean just “separated” - It means, “to be made an abomination.” 

- Abhorrent! Detestable! Something to run from, to avoid at all costs, to be ritually and culturally impure. 

- Sort of like the current attempt to vilify all those who have not been vaccinated as the pariahs of society. 

- “Be afraid of them! Stay away! They are evil. 

- Satan wants us isolated and operating in fear so he can wreak havoc on society. 

- He wants to stir up fear and keep you from others. 

- Satan doesn’t want you to be in covenant with others. 

- Why? Because he can’t defeat the “church.” 

- Church is where two or more are gathered in God’s name.

- Jeremiah 17:5-6 - “Cursed is the one who trusts in man…whose heart turns away from the Lord…they will dwell in the parched places of the desert, in a salt land where no one lives.”  

- “Cursed is the man” means “isolated from God.”

- Tony Evans says community brings special rewards from God. 

- Like the HOV Lane - when you go with someone else, you get special privileges