* God wants us to use the things of the world to influence others.
* He wants people to have a relationship with Him.
* Wealth is one such worldly thing we can use to accomplish it.
* Jesus told a story to make His point.
* vs 1-8 - read all verses in NAS.
* The verb for “shrewdly is epoiesen.
* It means “creative activity.”
* This is not just performing a routine task, completing an assignment, or getting the job done.
* This is brilliance manifested.
* Skip Moen - “Christ’s point is that men who are savvy about the ways of the world often show greater imaginative execution than those concerned about following God. Yeshua uses this man’s unconventional action to highlight the necessity for thinking outside the box regarding Kingdom work.”
* vs 9 - “And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by means of the wealth of unrighteousness, so that when it fails, they will receive you into the eternal dwellings.”
* Bible Knowledge Commentary - “The disciples’ wise use of wealth would help lead others to believe the message of the kingdom and bring them to accept that message.”
* Henry Fielding wrote, “Make money your god and it will plague you like the devil!” Jesus said, “Make money your servant and use today’s opportunities as investments in tomorrow’s dividends.” Be a wise steward! There are souls to win to the Saviour, and our money can help get the job done.”
* Here are three ways we can use money to make friends (bless others):
* 1) Generate it - you cannot bless others if you have nothing to bless them with.
* Yes, you can give of your time, but in this instance, Jesus specifically talks about blessing people financially.
* You need to get good at something, making yourself valuable in a particular niche, so you can generate money!
* 2) Give it - you must have a heart to help others.
* When you're willing to give to those who can't give back, it reflects the heart of God to those people, and He will richly reward you for it.
* Maybe not financially, but certainly with peace.
* 3) Grow it - Once you’ve generated money and given money (tithe first) you can grow your money so that you have more to give.
* Three ways to grow your money:
* Work for it - you become valuable and make money through your work.
* Other people work for you - create a business and hire employees (this gives them an opportunity to make money).
* Put your money to work - actively invest your money so that it grows.
* When you generate money, give it, and grow it, God will reward you for using it for kingdom impact.