* My wife is reading this great book, Your Body Keeps Score.
* It’s about how your body speaks to you.
* What happens to you in life will affect your physical body.
* The thoughts you think and the experiences you’ve had all take a toll on your body.
* So when you feel something physically, you should pay attention to what it is because your body is talking to you.
* Jesus paid attention to what His body told Him.
* He was on His way to heal a 12-year-old girl.
* A woman with a 12-year sickness touched His cloak in faith.
* Jesus responded:
* vs 45 - “And Jesus said, “Who is the one who touched Me?” And while they were all denying it, Peter said, “Master, the people are crowding and pressing in on You.” But Jesus said, “Someone did touch Me, for I was aware that power had gone out of Me.”
* Jesus was so in touch with the Holy Spirit that He felt power come out of His body.
* And, because He was so in tune with His own spirit, He knew it had to do with His healing power.
* KEY - the same Spirit that lived in Jesus while He was on the earth lives in us.
* And we can listen to our bodies just as He did.
* EX: B&B book story.
* I felt a pit in my stomach having someone help us on this book.
* Until I decided to write it myself - the pit went away.
* Now, when that old familiar feeling comes around, I ask myself, “What am I NOT doing that I should be doing?”
* When I discover what it is, my simple action toward the thing is what removes it.
* Our bodies keep score.
* It’s time to start paying attention.