Walking with God Series: Walking by Faith, Not by Sight

March 11, 2025

Transcript: This week I’m talking about the Christian’s walk in life. Yesterday, I talked about Enoch who ‘walked with God’. The apostle Paul in II Cor. 5:7 instructs us to “walk by faith, not sight”. I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. Walking by faith means in part to walk believing in all that God has promised us. While the world tempts us to love what they love and can only see, as a child of God we’re admonished to cherish by faith what we alone can see .. by faith… an eternal heavenly home, an eternal life with Christ, with no sin, no tears, no sorrow. When we walk in this faith believing, we can keep our eyes focused on that which is above and will never pass away, rather than what we can see here but will soon pass away. Walk by faith today. Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.