Transcript: This week we’ve learned to walk with God and to walk by faith not by sight. In, Gal. 5:25 the Bible tells us to also walk in the Spirit. I’m Sam Rohrer with another Stand in the Gap Minute. The Christian walk is active, not passive. It’s moving, growing, living. The Christian walk is personal -we are to walk with God. It’s purposeful. We are to walk by faith, not sight. The Christian walk is powerful. We are to walk in the Spirit. Though 95% of Americans self-identify as Christians, they do not walk personally with God but on their own, not by faith but by sight, not in the power of the Holy Spirit but in the power of their own spirit. How a person walks, with whom they walk, where they walk and upon what they focus when they walk makes all the difference if their walk, like Enoch, pleases God. How is your walk today? Discover more at American Pastors Network dot net.