Sermon audio & video

Reach your audience with the ultimate church media platform


Share your message with the complete church media platform

Unmatched sermon delivery

Church media streaming to amplify your message

Share sermon videos & audio on your app, website, & podcast with one-click publishing
Keep the focus on your content without ads or distractions
Increase engagement with personalized recommendations from your media library
One-click publishing

More time for ministry

Update once, publish everywhere. One-click publishing allows you to upload your media to a single dashboard and watch it update instantly across all of your digital channels, freeing up hours of time every week.

In-app personalization

The power of personalization

Fuel discipleship and increase engagement with personalized media recommendations in your church app! Showcase your media with tailored content like "Continue playing,” "Suggested content," and “Series” sections, which are personalized for each person based on media tags and their viewing history.


No ads or distractions

Don’t depend on Big Tech to share your message. Now you can reach your audience on the only native media player for churches. Without ads, distractions, or third-party videos, your gospel-centered content is always front and center.

Subsplash Media

See the end-to-end media workflow in action

Click through the experience below to see how Subsplash Media works behind the scenes, and then head over to Interbay Community Church to see it live on the web!

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Top church media features

Make the truth of Jesus incredibly accessible

Media tagging & search

Make your content even more accessible by tagging topics, speakers, and scripture passages.

Live streaming

On-demand and live media, all in one place. Automatically archive completed live streams in your sermon library for a 100% hands-off workflow.

Web embeds

Add a media item, series, or your complete library to your website in a matter of seconds—and never make a manual update again.


Share sermons and other content on leading podcast apps with fully integrated audio or video podcasting.

Media analytics

See unique viewers, average viewer duration, total play time for all your viewed media items, and more in your dashboard.

Advanced playback features

Play content offline, resume playing a recent media item, and more—all from your mobile app account menu.

Full content control

A technology partner you can trust. You own your content, and we make sure it’s always discoverable for your community.

Even more media features to love

End-to-end media workflow
Publish your media in one click, trim and archive live streams for on-demand viewing, and avoid tedious uploads, downloads, and re-uploads.
Bible reading plans
Use a ready-made Bible reading plan template or create a custom Bible reading plan to engage your church and increase scripture reading.
Media scripture tags
Tag media items with specific Bible passages and your media will appear in the Bible alongside the corresponding scripture.
Automated push notifications
Set up push notifications for your repeating live streams and make sure your community never misses a future broadcast.
Media description links
Enhance your media pages with links to additional resources, social media, forms, and more—supported on your mobile app, website, and podcast platforms.
Cloud storage
Host all of your media with Subsplash, and say goodbye to third-party storage providers.

See Subsplash media in action


It’s more than media

The Subsplash Platform: everything your church needs to engage your community

Subsplash One

Subsplash Media FAQs

How can I turn sermon audio and video into a podcast?

Subsplash Media makes it easy for you to turn both church video or audio into a podcast on popular platforms like iTunes, Google Play, and Spotify. Just select which media you want to share, create a podcast with a description and artwork, and then submit your podcast to a distributor of your choice.

Can Subsplash Media send church videos to YouTube or Facebook?

Yes! You can syndicate your live and simulated live church videos to Facebook and YouTube. This allows your audience to engage your media content on your church app, website, or social media channels!

Is media hosting included with Subsplash Media?

Yes, media hosting is included in your Subsplash Media subscription. No need to rely on third-party platforms to host your church videos, sermon audio, and other content.

Does church media play when my phone screen is off?

It does! Your users can seamlessly switch from watching a church sermon to listening to the sermon audio when their mobile device’s screen is off. 

How complicated is it to publish my church videos to different platforms?

Subsplash offers “one-click publishing” that allows you to upload your church media once and distribute it to all of your channels, such as your website, church app, and social media accounts!

Some church videos were taken down by Big Tech. Will Subsplash do the same?

Content on public platforms like YouTube and Facebook are held to subjective “community standards” that allow anyone to flag your content if they find it offensive. This can result in the removal or blocking of your sermon videos, or even the banning of your account. Subsplash, on the other hand, is committed to facilitating ministry without restrictions so you can share the gospel with as many people as possible.