
Down, But Not Out

Psalm 42 - 43

August 20, 2023 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Psalm 42, Psalm 43

(Ps. 77:2(a) NKJV

        “In the day of trouble I sought the Lord”


I wish this was easy to do, but the fact of the matter is it’s HARD, and always requires a step of faith beyond our feelings! Some struggles slowly drain the life out of us. We see it… we feel it… and we hope it passes quickly, but things linger! The Psalmist in this difficult condition found that the essentials of life could NOT satisfy the angst of his soul. Have you ever felt that way? Like you've been crying out to God for so long and yet nothing is changing in your situation? In Psalm 42 & 43 we meet a guy who talks about this condition in his life and what he did to trust God in-spite of the trouble and pain. He was "Down, but not out!"

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