

Deeper Waters: A Series on Steps of Faith

June 12, 2024 • David Dekhtyaryuk • Ezekiel 47:1–12

Over the next 4 weeks I have the privilege of taking us through a series of messages I’m calling: “Deeper Waters: A Series on Steps of Faith.” This is designed to Challenge you and make you consider what is the next step of faith in your life. Maybe you need to consider where you are at in your walk with God. Have you been stagnant? Are you ready for that next step? In his vision Ezekiel sees a new river flowing from Jerusalem into the Dead Sea. This is going to be where we start our study.

The Power of God's Help

June 2, 2024 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Psalm 46

Psalm 46 has been a go-to Psalm for me because God has used it over-and-over in my life! Specifically v.10. There’s some questions about who wrote this Psalm. Some say it came from David & his battles in 2 Samuel. Others attach the setting to King Hezekiah and God’s intervention against Sennacherib. No matter who wrote it, we have a special Psalm of help that God has preserved for us in His word.

Thru His Death Comes Life For Me

March 29, 2024 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

On Good Friday we look back to a specific time frame in Jesus’ life on earth. We recall what took place between 12:00 noon & 3:00 pm when total darkness cover the earth! My daily security lies in the work Jesus did on the cross. So, today I want to remind you about the Implications of the Cross and the church celebrates Good Friday by recalling these powerful truths.

Being R.A.D.

February 25, 2024

Over the years of pastoring, I’ve learned that fellowships change as God rotates His flock. Some people follow God & others don’t! Either way, God is the one who makes the adjustments as He sees fit. Here’s what it looks like practically, every year we provide & encourage a Bible reading program at the start of 2024 we provided a 2-year plan which is incorporated into the church app. So far, we’ve read thru Genesis & Exodus, and God is leading us supernaturally in a very natural way. 

Lasting Fruit

January 28, 2024 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • John 15:16

Today we’re going to look at John 15 and the verse Jesus spoke to us during our week of prayer & fasting. In spite of all the hardships we encountered in 2023, God wants us to know that we’re a chosen people with His blessing for bearing lasting fruit! This truth is so simple we can overlook the fragrance of grace He is showering us with.

Gaining A Right Perspective

December 31, 2023 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Psalm 107

As we walk with the Lord, we learn that there are seasons He has ordered for our lives. Each one perfect in its time. We learn to celebrate the work of God in the timing of God! As a church, from time-to-time we remember the past by re-calling the miracles along the way. Here’s a sample of 1-year. 

Give Me Hope

December 24, 2023 • Pastor Jeff Cramer

On Christmas people are open to hear about Jesus & the Christmas Story. In fact, some learn that Jesus is NOT a fairy tale in a make-believe world. For the first time some people learn of the kindness of God apart from man-made religion. The gospel of Matthew ells us that Jesus came to everyday people, people who were hurting & had problems. The point is, God gives hope where HOPE is missing!

What's Hindering My Relationship

December 17, 2023 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Matthew 7:21–23

When Jesus ministered, He always brought people to a decision point. In Matthew 7 we’re coming to the end of the Sermon on the mount and as He closes, Speaking to the multitude, Jesus brings the crowd of people to a decision point. We have a choice on how we will individually respond to what Jesus taught & how HE speaks to us today. And by way of application, today’s message will focus on things that hinder our spiritual walk with God.

Building Faith

November 26, 2023 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Luke 8:22–25

As we study the bible, we quickly learn there are two-types of storms God uses in the life of His people (Instructive & Corrective). Instructive Storms are storms to develop our faith and come as God allows difficulty into our lives. They occur as we’re in the middle of God’s will for our lives. These storms can fall on us out of nowhere! Corrective Storms are storms God brings to get our attention. He uses them to help us see the error of our ways to get us back on track. Whatever storm you find yourself in, knowing the difference between the storms helps us to retain the right perspective.

Be Thankful

November 19, 2023 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Psalm 86:11, Luke 6:47–49, Hebrews 4:14–16, Proverbs 1:7

Many of you know that we've dealt with some hardship over the past few weeks, yet we've seen God's steady hand of faithfulness through it all. As we look to the scriptures, we know the Psalmist, David, was a man after God's own heart but still had struggles of his own. From family problems with his kids, to committing adultery, and even problems with pride. David prayed for God to give him an "undivided heart" and many of his psalms express a heart of gratitude because of God's unfailing love. As we enter into this Thanksgiving week, don't neglect the greatest relationship God has given you by drifting from Jesus. Be sure to thank Him for all He has done in your life!

A Growing Faith

October 4, 2023 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Proverbs 2

Let’s open our Bibles to the Wisdom Books of Solomon by turning to Proverbs 2. Within this book we see a contrast between good & evil the personification of wisdom as a woman and fatherly advice to young men. Tonight, we’re going to explore the Biblical proverbs, and gain insight on how our faith grows.

State of the Mission

September 3, 2023 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Nehemiah 13

After leading the Israelites for 12 years, Nehemiah had to go leave to Babylon for a short season. When he returned he found the people of God drifted into error and compromised by returning to faithless living. When you stop listening to God's Word, you start living in opposition to God’s will. In this chapter, we even see Nehemiah reference the "mixed multitude" which speaks of those who wanted to associate with the people of God but didn’t want to make a commitment to God. How does this apply to the church today? Here are 5 ways we can be challenged in our Christian walk.

Down, But Not Out

August 20, 2023 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Psalm 42, Psalm 43

(Ps. 77:2(a) NKJV         “In the day of trouble I sought the Lord”   I wish this was easy to do, but the fact of the matter is it’s HARD, and always requires a step of faith beyond our feelings! Some struggles slowly drain the life out of us. We see it… we feel it… and we hope it passes quickly, but things linger! The Psalmist in this difficult condition found that the essentials of life could NOT satisfy the angst of his soul. Have you ever felt that way? Like you've been crying out to God for so long and yet nothing is changing in your situation? In Psalm 42 & 43 we meet a guy who talks about this condition in his life and what he did to trust God in-spite of the trouble and pain. He was "Down, but not out!"

The Road Forward

August 6, 2023 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • 2 Corinthians 4

We're going through a season of world history where right is being marginalized and immorality is being celebrated! We must understand that we're in a battle for souls and fighting from a place of victory. Paul understood the outcome of the fight and it helped him to keep moving forward. The takeaway is, Christianity is a battle field NOT a social club! God is teaching us to trust Him beyond the dead ends and He wants us to learn that His presence & His power changes everything!

Moving In Faith Together

June 25, 2023 • Pastor Jeff Cramer • Joshua 3, Joshua 4, Joshua 1, Joshua 2

The book of Joshua deals with the military conquest of the land of Israel and god’s promise to bless them. It begins immediately after the death of Moses. The events recorded in this book took place around (1400 bc) +/-. Now the reason we’re looking at this book today is because its key theme is all about faith & obedience. Joshua led from 85-yrs old to 110-yrs old when he died (Josh. 24:29). His greatest steps of faith came as he neared the end of his life and we see god strengthen him in the opening chapter.