
What Should We Do About the Poor?

May 19, 2024 • Pastor Mike Stubbs

As the political season heats up, there will be more debate about what to do about pressing social issues. Politicians can use the poor and needy as pawns to gain support while their motivation for positions of influence is often to look out for their own interests and increase their own personal wealth. They will try to divide the public and leverage the influence of the church with smooth and flattering talk. But at the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter what the politicians think we should or shouldn’t do. It’s about God and what He expects from us. 

Living in Goshen

May 26, 2024

When the Hebrew people were living in the land of Egypt, which represents the sin of our time, it was a picture of our present reality until such a time as God brings about His full deliverance by His Son Jesus Christ returning. As children of God, we must keep our focus on God and listen for His voice. It must become so familiar to us that our own human reason takes a backseat to His guidance, wisdom, and truth.

Keeping a Tender Heart in Hard Times

May 12, 2024 • Pastor Mike Stubbs • Matthew 24:4–14

Times are getting tougher as the prophecies in the Bible unfold before our eyes – physical wars and spiritual warfare, false prophets and fake saviors, famines, plagues, earthquakes, lawlessness, betrayal and backsliding, persecution of believers, etc. The wrong response to these things is to “get hard” but the godly response is to stay tender and keep the heart of Christ to the very end. It is called, “enduring to the end”. The easiest way to be destroyed is to respond in a worldly manner. The only way to survive is to hold to the enduring heart of Jesus Christ.

Christian Character in a Culture of Charisma and Celebrity

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Mike Stubbs • Matthew 7:15–21

We live in a culture built upon celebrity and charisma. People are seldom celebrated for their core Christ-like character but for their power of influence. It can be intoxicating, even in the church. Yet no one has established such significant or sustained influence as Jesus Christ Himself. He modeled and established virtues that were nearly completely uncelebrated in His time like taking the low seat, caring for the widow and orphan, strengthening the weak, embracing the infirmed, and loving our enemies. As cultures prosper, they tend to forget Christ-like virtues, but God is calling us back to these most important qualities and judgment is happening more publicly all the time for misbehavior. Numbers 32:23 is being played out before our eyes – “But if you fail to keep your word, then you will have sinned against the LORD, and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.”