
Christian Character in a Culture of Charisma and Celebrity

May 5, 2024 • Pastor Mike Stubbs • Matthew 7:15–21

We live in a culture built upon celebrity and charisma. People are seldom celebrated for their core Christ-like character but for their power of influence. It can be intoxicating, even in the church. Yet no one has established such significant or sustained influence as Jesus Christ Himself. He modeled and established virtues that were nearly completely uncelebrated in His time like taking the low seat, caring for the widow and orphan, strengthening the weak, embracing the infirmed, and loving our enemies. As cultures prosper, they tend to forget Christ-like virtues, but God is calling us back to these most important qualities and judgment is happening more publicly all the time for misbehavior. Numbers 32:23 is being played out before our eyes – “But if you fail to keep your word, then you will have sinned against the LORD, and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.”