
Harris Creek

Harris Creek

What Can the Righteous Do?
Hindsight is 2020
Jan 17, 2021 • Nate Hilgenkamp • Psalms 11
Sermon Transcript
Do you find yourself prone to panic when chaos comes? When the foundations are being destroyed, what will the righteous do? As we continue our Hindsight is 2020 series, Nate Hilgenkamp unpacks Psalm 11 and we'll see David's response to the chaos and confusion around him. While his friends suggest fleeing, he reminds them why he knows that he can stand firm no matter the situation.
-The advice of fear.
-Our enemy has a plan and a purpose in a crisis. Don’t buy his lies! He’s trying to change how you view God.
-Protection provides peace. Find your protection in the Prince of Peace.
-Danger is real, and life in a fallen world is hard. But, you need to identify words of faith vs. words of fear in times of crisis and hardship.
-Words of fear will always be about you. Words of faith will always be about God.
-The answer of faith.
-Our situation doesn’t change God’s goodness, closeness, protection, or love for us.
-When your protection is in God, the world can’t take it away.
-There never has been and never will be something in your life that God is surprised by.
-God always sees you and you can always have His full and undivided attention.
-The activity of the righteous.
-The world flees, but our God sees, so I’ll stay.
-How you take refuge in the Lord when crises comes can be predicted by how you are taking refuge in the Lord right now.
-Suggested Scripture Study: Psalm 11;
-Sermon: The Power of Jesus’ Name