
First UMC - Gain...

First UMC - Gainesville, FL

Repent and Repair
"...half of my possessions, Lord, I will give to the poor..."
Oct 22, 2023 • Dr. Harold Henderson • Luke 19:1-10
Scripture: Luke 19:1-10
With the help of the study, “Bible Stories for Grown Ups” by Pastor Josh Scott, this series will invite us to consider new and deeper meanings in Bible characters and events that may be very familiar and yet can also be disturbing and challenging. As people who embrace the scripture as “wonderful words of life”, how do these passages call us into deeper discipleship today? 
“Yes, Zacchaeus repents, but he also takes another step in the process: repentance leads to repair. Perhaps we could say that repentance and repair are two sides of the same coin. It’s not simple embracing different information in our brains, but it’s also allowing that new information to transform our hearts, which will lead to a different way of being in the world.” pg. 92