
A Beautiful Backdrop For Breakthrough

2 Chronicles 30:24-31:10

September 26, 2021 • Jeff Lyle • 2 Chronicles 30:24—31:10

Christians must live daily with the understanding that they are in a war. When we were saved by grace through faith in Jesus, we were also enlisted into the army of God. Together, the church advances the mission of God unto the eventual establishing of His Kingdom on earth. Satan and the demonic army have only one agenda: to resist that with all their evil power and fury. Because of this, spiritual warfare is the context for every Christian, family and church that has committed to live and die for the glory fo Christ. I n this message, we see an ancient picture of some of what it looks like when God begins to release grace, glory and revival to His people. Joy, sacrifice, holiness and celebration bring Him great pleasure. This atmosphere also stirs the enemy and motivates him to furiously fight what God begins to do. This is the beautiful backdrop for breakthrough…and for all spiritual warfare.