
The Promised Outcome

2 Chronicles 32:20-23

October 24, 2021 • Jeff Lyle • 2 Chronicles 32:20–23

Hezekiah knew by this time that his enemy was ruthless and relentless. Accusations, threats, blasphemies and psychological warfare had all been released by the wicked ones who opposed Hezekiah’s godly mission. Now it was go-time. The enemy needed to be dealt a final blow by the people of God so that they could resume the worship and work assigned to them by Him. What would Hezekiah do in the final stages of the collision between himself and the king of Assyria? He would fight in the Spirit, partner with God in prayer, welcome angelic help, and stand still to see the salvation of the Lord against his enemies. From his ancient approach to warfare, we modern believers can be strengthened in our own commitments to wage warfare against Satan and his demons to send them running from the territory assigned to us by God for His own glory.

A Beautiful Backdrop For Breakthrough

September 26, 2021 • Jeff Lyle • 2 Chronicles 30:24—31:10

Christians must live daily with the understanding that they are in a war. When we were saved by grace through faith in Jesus, we were also enlisted into the army of God. Together, the church advances the mission of God unto the eventual establishing of His Kingdom on earth. Satan and the demonic army have only one agenda: to resist that with all their evil power and fury. Because of this, spiritual warfare is the context for every Christian, family and church that has committed to live and die for the glory fo Christ. I n this message, we see an ancient picture of some of what it looks like when God begins to release grace, glory and revival to His people. Joy, sacrifice, holiness and celebration bring Him great pleasure. This atmosphere also stirs the enemy and motivates him to furiously fight what God begins to do. This is the beautiful backdrop for breakthrough…and for all spiritual warfare.

Becoming Intentional Towards The Battle

October 3, 2021 • Jeff Lyle • 2 Chronicles 32:1–8

The modern Church must awaken to the reality that we are already living in intense spiritual warfare. We don’t get a vote, and its only going to grow in size and scope. We aren’t allowed to resign from the fight and go AWOL. The enemy has declared aggressive war against the glory of God, and he is advancing accordingly. We must become intentional towards the battle or we will become casualties of the war. This message reveals the response of godly King Hezekiah to wicked King Sennacherib’s determination to invade and capture Israel’s possession. From Hezekiah’s response to the attack, we can be instructed on how we Christians also must engage in spiritual warfare coming from Satan and the demonic realm. We cannot afford to remain un-strategized and reactive. God is calling us to become well-planning and highly proactive in repelling the enemy, and running him our of our individual lives, our families, our cities and our regions. We must send him fleeing.

Division And Disturbance

October 10, 2021 • Jeff Lyle • 2 Chronicles 32:9–20

Satan knows that godly leaders remain vigilant and aware of his constant attacks. Godly leaders walk in personal purity which results in elevated spiritual discernment and power. Their hearts are clean from bitterness and selfish ambition. Godly leaders have robust prayer lives which keeps them ready and equipped for spiritual warfare. Because Satan and his demons cannot always defeat human spiritual leaders who are prepared for war, they intentionally target the hearts and minds of followers to poison them against their spiritual leaders. Sadly, this attack has a frequently high success rate in churches and other Kingdom works. In this portion of 2 Chronicles 32, we learn the tactics of the enemy’s ministry of accusation through the strategy of wicked King Sennacherib as he seeks to destroy the leadership of Hezekiah. The modern Church needs to know of this type of warfare, and to be prepared when it comes against a Kingdom movement that God is seeking to release through their leaders, through their Church and through them.