
Becoming Intentional Towards The Battle

2 Chronicles 32:1-8

October 3, 2021 • Jeff Lyle • 2 Chronicles 32:1–8

The modern Church must awaken to the reality that we are already living in intense spiritual warfare. We don’t get a vote, and its only going to grow in size and scope. We aren’t allowed to resign from the fight and go AWOL. The enemy has declared aggressive war against the glory of God, and he is advancing accordingly. We must become intentional towards the battle or we will become casualties of the war. This message reveals the response of godly King Hezekiah to wicked King Sennacherib’s determination to invade and capture Israel’s possession. From Hezekiah’s response to the attack, we can be instructed on how we Christians also must engage in spiritual warfare coming from Satan and the demonic realm. We cannot afford to remain un-strategized and reactive. God is calling us to become well-planning and highly proactive in repelling the enemy, and running him our of our individual lives, our families, our cities and our regions. We must send him fleeing.