
Kingdom Weeds

Matthew 13:24-30

November 25, 2018 • Jeff Lyle

One of the challenges for us to live with a primary awareness of being citizens of God’s Kingdom is the troubling reminder that there is so much of the kingdom of this world bombarding our senses every single day. We can become more convinced of the evil, pain, division, injustice and vices of the temporary earthly realm than we are the righteousness, love, power and triumph of the coming Kingdom. Both realities exist in this present age. If God’s Kingdom is eternal and supreme, why do we sometimes discern less evidence of His kingdom than we do of the lesser kingdoms of the world, the flesh and the devil? When will God rid the cosmos of evil people and their evil deeds? Even in the visible Church there exists so much that seems incompatible with the Kingdom of God - when will dead religion, hypocrisy and counterfeit believers be dealt with? Jesus spoke to all of these things 2,000 years ago as He preached on the Mount of Olives. He tells us how and when all that does not belong in God’s paradise will be forever removed. Until then, we must learn to discern the difference between the wheat and the weeds in the Kingdom.