
Presenting the Kingdom to the Crowd

Luke 14:25-35

November 25, 2018 • Jeff Lyle

Jesus was not interested in sparking a rally, initiating a movement, or marketing a product. The mission of Jesus was to establish an everlasting Kingdom. At the center of this Kingdom, Jesus presented Himself as the lone option before whose throne all must bow. Though His mission included teaching, miracles, and displays of power over the forces of hell, the core component of what He constantly proclaimed was an invitation for people to renounce all the lesser kingdoms in order to enter His everlasting Kingdom by faith. His crowds often grew due to the life-giving messages He preached and the mind-blowing miracles He performed. Interestingly, it seemed that Jesus reserved His most intense sermons for the largest crowds. He was seeking out those who would commit themselves in radical allegiance to Him in order to establish God’s Kingdom on earth. This message from the King contains the clearest demands of the Gospel upon those who are contemplating a commitment of their lives to King Jesus. He leaves no room for half-hearted followers. The Kingdom invitation clearly requires an all-or-nothing response from everyone who hears it.