
The Results of Recklessness

Judges 14:10-20

June 26, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Judges 14:10–20

Young people are not widely regarded as being wise. In fact, one common component of being young is that ability to act decisively apart from acting in maturity. Samson and his thirty friends are no exception to this rule. As Samson prepares to hastily marry the girl of his dreams, he enters a week of partying which leads to a rash and ill-advised gamble that would result in many paying a hefty price. This message highlights the painful fall from exhilaration to humiliation. Samson’s eyes had leading him, and now what he had gained through his flesh he would lose to the breaking of his heart and the stirring of his wrath. Listening to the Holy Spirit will keep both the young and old from falling into the pit that Samson discovered.

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