
One Last Grace For Samson

Judges 16:21-31

August 7, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Judges 16:21–31

We have wondered throughout the entire story of Samson how in the world he ended up in the New Testament’s Hebrews “Hall of Faith.” How did a man who struggled so immensely with his flesh get mentioned in one of the only places in Scripture where human beings are exalted as examples of what it means to trust God? We should be stunned - even scandalized - at the grace of God which Samson received. This message reveals the answer to this question of how Samson could be viewed as a hero of the faith. From the ashes of his humiliation, Samson commits one final act to the glory of God and, in so doing, fulfills the prophetic destiny assigned to his life. God never gave up on His servant. Well done, Samson. Well done.

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