
A Woman At Her Worst

Judges 16:6-22

July 31, 2024 • Jeff Lyle • Judges 16:6–22

Up to this point in his story, Samson has managed to avoid complete personal catastrophe in his dealings with women. They have been hurt by their relationships with him, but he has managed to escape with little personal loss. That streak comes to an abrupt halt in this message. Women can be incredibly persuasive. God’s daughters use that persuasion for Kingdom good. Women who act independently of the Holy Spirit will use that influence for selfish purposes, resulting in sinful manipulation. Undiscerning men are especially susceptible to this type of thing from women. And some women know this very well, and they use it to get what they want from men. This message reveals the demonic heart of Delilah in her intentional betrayal of Samson, the man who loved her.

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