
Kingdom Culture

The culture of love, forgiveness, joy and peace

Kingdom Culture Part 19

November 14, 2021 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Revelation 13

Come, Lord Jesus! The Kingdom has come already, it is still coming and it will come in totality. Chad Everett, Lead Pastor of The Roads Church gives us the picture of the end-times through scripture, and shows us the end-times Jesus. Jesus is coming quickly, and He is bringing His reward to give to each one’s faithful, obedience to what He’s asked them to do – your assignment. Church, we are the bride of Christ, married to Jesus. And the Spirit and the Bride (the Church) say, “COME!” The Saints are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus that they might have the right to the tree of life. Of all the details about the end times, what He wants is for us to fall in love with the “WHO” – Jesus! Are you ready? Are you keeping His commandments?

Kingdom Culture Part 18

November 7, 2021 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Revelation 13, Genesis 3

There will not be an obvious cut and dry line where you choose and stand in line to worship God or worship Satan. The Bible says that even the elect will be deceived and depart from the faith. In Genesis 3, Adam & Eve never said, "I choose to worship Lucifer." or "I renounce God." No. There was a cunning serpent that deceived them into choosing to obey and submit to his authority over God, and in that moment they died. The Deceiver is conditioning the world right now to control what we do and what we think, and there will be a Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego moment where you will choose to stand for what you believe and what Jesus says. Get conditioned right now.

Kingdom Culture Part 17

October 24, 2021 • Revelation 13

The Church of Revelation - we're getting our focus back to the Kingdom of God vs the Kingdom of Darkness. We need to study the Word. Jesus wrote the Bible just for us to know what's coming! There's a weakness in the church due to biblical illiteracy and a lack of discipleship. As things move toward the end times, be ready for a discrediting of biblical world views. Those who have been born again, will NOT worship the anti-Christ. Everyone else will. Why? Because they don't know. The only way we will know, is because we have the knowledge of God given to us that we will see things that other people don't see. We'll be awakened to things, and have revelation of things that they will not have. The anti-Christ will have the authority of Satan, but we have the authority of Jesus! Are there any sons and daughters willing to know and exercise their authority in the face of adversity? Is there anyone that's going to say, "I'm on Team Jesus" the victorious side? Someday, Revelation 13 will happen - we better be paying attention!

Kingdom Culture Part 16

October 10, 2021 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Revelation 11

"When the two witnesses have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will wage war with them, and will overpower and kill them." Revelation 11:7 Their testimony cost them their life. BUT GOD brought them through. The PRIZE of our testimony is one thing, but the PRICE of our testimony - we have to weigh the cost, and be prepared. Are you prepared with a testimony that might cost you something? Are you ready to give your life for Jesus? Team Jesus will win! Anyone who opposes the Kingdom of God will fail.

Kingdom Culture Part 15

October 3, 2021 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor

There is coming a day on the earth that Satan will give his complete power and authority to a man. He will be so deceitful and powerful, unlike anything we've ever seen. THE ONLY thing that will help us, is the knowledge of the Word of God. You have got to have a personal relationship with the Word of God. Biblical illiteracy is killing Christianity in the world today. Satan and his angels have power, ability and strength, but it wasn't enough when war broke out in heaven. They could not prevail. They were cast out of heaven when Jesus came to earth, died, buried, raised from the dead and ascended to heaven and applied His blood on the Mercy seat. Just because Satan has power and can fight us, doesn't mean he will prevail. Just as he wasn't enough in the war in heaven, he's still not enough, because the ONE who lives in us is greater than he that is in the world. You need Jesus' supernatural provision, and your own personal testimony that applies the truths of the gospel of Jesus to overcome. Put the blood of Jesus on your heart, and have a testimony that is evidence that Jesus is the Lord of your life.

Kingdom Culture Part 14

September 26, 2021 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Revelation 13, Psalm 2, Revelation 12

We do not wrestle with flesh and blood, but it doesn't mean we will not deal with flesh and blood that is cooperating with the agenda of the kingdom of darkness. The world has convinced the Church that Christian love is about never saying anything to anyone against anything and just be nice. Christian love is not about being silent and not calling out wickedness. What God is calling us to do is to distinguish between the spiritual source - Satan and his kingdom of darkness and the physical manifestation - human beings that are cooperating with his agenda. They can be redeemed. We pray for them. We love them. We are kind to them. But we are still calling out wickedness and inviting them into a relationship with Jesus. And it's still be loving when pointing out wickedness.

Kingdom Culture Pt 13

September 19, 2021 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • 2 Thessalonians 2:4–11

There is coming a deceiver on the earth - the likes of which have never been seen before in all of history. There will be a level of deception that we can't take for granted our knowledge of God and His Word. We have to be students of the Word, or we can be deceived. The Bible says, "even the very elect will be deceived." We need to be prepared. There's no going back to "normal." Christians - we are made for this time, as the Bible plays out in front of our eyes.


September 20, 2021 • Chad Everett, Kevin Gammon

MC'd by Pastor Kevin Gammon - Pastor Chad tackles questions you had for Him from his sermon series - "Kingdom Culture" at MERGE located at our Mt Carmel Campus. * tribulation & rapture * false teachers & prophets * creating Kingdom habits * peace & safety * mark of the beast * enduring til the end * wheat/tares & goats/sheep * discernment v judgement * self focus in church culture * God's manifest presence

Kingdom Culture Part 12

September 12, 2021

Ultimately, at the root of everything we are dealing with in this age is a spiritual warfare. It is the conflict of two agendas - the Kingdom of Darkness (to kill, steal and destroy) and the Kingdom of God (to bring life, and life more abundantly). We are equipped, built and have mighty weapons for the warfare. Jesus brought the Kingdom of God here, and we have access to it, and our job is to enforce Satan's defeat by Jesus. God wants us to be careful about our source that gives us perspective and solutions. Our Kingdom source for perspective and solutions for our lives - is JESUS, found in the Word. We must be persuaded by what we believe, so that shaky moments in life are overridden by persuaded moments. Fear is driving people to lose their minds and be irrational. Get full of the Word of God. Let no one deceive you by any means. Turn off the news, and the newsfeed, open up your Bible and do not be deceived, because your source is the truth of the Word of God. There will be a yielding to deception and departing from God - the falling away before Jesus returns. Just because we are of the enemies agenda, we don't forget about our mighty weapons. The Church isn't in the midst of darkness to survive, but so that we can be light - changing and influencing the world.

Kingdom Culture Part 11

September 5, 2021 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor

Sons & daughters of the Kingdom - we are put in positions of influence every single day of our lives, and maybe, we are put in the positions we're in FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS! Some theologies teach that the world is the consuming force, and that as Christians we should run and hide until Jesus returns. BUT the Kingdom Theology teaches that the Kingdom of Heaven is the consuming force and it shall overtake the world through influence. If we live our lives in Kingdom Theology, we live knowing that He who lives in us is greater than he that lives in the world. The culture of heaven, the values, attitudes, practices and values of the system that comes from heaven, trumps the culture of this world, and we get the culture of heaven from the WORD of God.

Kingdom Culture Part 10

August 29, 2021 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Matthew 24:3–14, Matthew 10:21, Matthew 7:13–14, Matthew 13:36–43, 1 Corinthians 2:6–8

What's going on in the world around us? There's a sowing age and there is wisdom and rulers of the age - it all comes to nothing. It will end. Pastor Chad Everett in the Kingdom Culture sermon series is pointing to the way, the truth and the life - JESUS, as we seek to get grounded in the Word of God - to keep from being deceived. At the end of the age, Jesus warned His disciples that "many" will be deceived. Jesus' side - at the end of this age - it will be the side that will stay standing. Church attendance isn't what makes a person a Christian. When harvest time comes, we will harvest what we sowed here and now in this age. What are you sowing in this age?

Kingdom Culture Part 9

August 22, 2021 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • 2 Thessalonians 1:6–10, Matthew 13:47–52, Ephesians 1:10, Luke 8:17, Matthew 25:31–33

There's a day that's coming at the end of this age, and there's a Savior that died for you! There is a furnace of fire, and the wicked will be cast into it. It wasn't their destiny, but by rejecting the gospel of Jesus Christ, they are found wicked - a goat and a tare. Every single one of us will stand before the judgement throne - alone. The reality of that moment when you hear, "depart from me...," and your eyes are opened to the realization that there is no hope, that it's too late - it will be unbearable and there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Right now, you have the opportunity to say, "Jesus, save me." Do you understand?

Kingdom Culture Part 8

August 15, 2021 • 1 Corinthians 6:19, Luke 17:20–21, Luke 22:23, Matthew 13:44–46, 2 Corinthians 4:7

What's the Kingdom of Heaven like? The system of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. As we pursue things in this world, the only field that matters, is the field that the treasure is in. We can have all kinds of fields that provide an income, but they don't have the treasure. When you get into the field that has the treasure, you will not only have provision and increase, but you'll also have the most important thing - the treasure. The treasure is Jesus. God has it all hidden for us to go after and dig it up, at the cost of leaving everything else. The man in the parable was willing to sell all other fields to purchase the one field that the treasure was in. What field are you digging in? One with the treasure? Count the cost.

Kingdom Culture Part 7

August 8, 2021 • Matthew 13:24–30, Galatians 6:7–9, Matthew 13:36–38, Matthew 7:15–20, 1 Peter 5:8–9

Eternity is waiting for all of us. We need to know where we stand. In the world there are two sources of seeds that are being sown - God & the enemy. The "wheat," the good seed, the son's of the Kingdom comes from Jesus. The "tares," the bad seed, the son's of the wicked one, comes from the enemy, and he's planting tares right among the wheat. Tares and wheat look alike, until the point that fruit is produced. Tares will become exposed when the son's of God's Kingdom begins to produce fruit of the kingdom. Our job as son's and daughter's of God is to produce kingdom fruit, and those in the house of God pretending and practicing lawlessness, will not produce fruit and will first be gathered, bound together and thrown into the fire.

Kingdom Culture Part 6

August 1, 2021 • Matthew 13:33, Mark 8:15, Galatians 5:7–9, Genesis 2:7, Romans 14:19

God's saying, "Where is my leaven?" There are people in our lives that God wants us to love and speak truth into their lives, so that God can cause them to rise up into the life He has for them, but their has to be leaven - a catalyst to insert the truth into the world living without the truth. Church will you be leaven for God in this world? It comes with a cost. It comes with rejection and hatred. Will you count the cost and influence people in your life for His Kingdom?