
Kingdom Culture Part 19

Come, Lord Jesus!

November 14, 2021 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor • Revelation 13

Come, Lord Jesus! The Kingdom has come already, it is still coming and it will come in totality. Chad Everett, Lead Pastor of The Roads Church gives us the picture of the end-times through scripture, and shows us the end-times Jesus. Jesus is coming quickly, and He is bringing His reward to give to each one’s faithful, obedience to what He’s asked them to do – your assignment. Church, we are the bride of Christ, married to Jesus. And the Spirit and the Bride (the Church) say, “COME!” The Saints are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus that they might have the right to the tree of life. Of all the details about the end times, what He wants is for us to fall in love with the “WHO” – Jesus! Are you ready? Are you keeping His commandments?