
Kingdom Culture Part 15

Jesus' Supernatural Provision & Your Personal Testimony

October 3, 2021 • Chad Everett - Lead Pastor

There is coming a day on the earth that Satan will give his complete power and authority to a man. He will be so deceitful and powerful, unlike anything we've ever seen. THE ONLY thing that will help us, is the knowledge of the Word of God. You have got to have a personal relationship with the Word of God. Biblical illiteracy is killing Christianity in the world today.

Satan and his angels have power, ability and strength, but it wasn't enough when war broke out in heaven. They could not prevail. They were cast out of heaven when Jesus came to earth, died, buried, raised from the dead and ascended to heaven and applied His blood on the Mercy seat.

Just because Satan has power and can fight us, doesn't mean he will prevail. Just as he wasn't enough in the war in heaven, he's still not enough, because the ONE who lives in us is greater than he that is in the world.

You need Jesus' supernatural provision, and your own personal testimony that applies the truths of the gospel of Jesus to overcome. Put the blood of Jesus on your heart, and have a testimony that is evidence that Jesus is the Lord of your life.