1. Shouldn’t abuse be grounds for divorce?
2. It seems like Christians pick and choose verses to support what they want Scripture to say. For instance Leviticus 20:13 says, “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination.” So Christians are against homosexuality. But before that Leviticus 19:19 says, “You shall not wear clothing mixed with two kinds of material.” So if Christians are against homosexuality, why aren’t they against mixed blends?
• Civil Law—was given to tell Israel how to live as a people.
• Ceremonial Law—this contained the regulations regarding worship at the temple.
3. Am I welcome here or is this church only for perfect people?
God’s Design for Parenting – Part 2
November 3, 2013 • Ron Moore
Three things to start doing today:
1. Carve out time and guard the time for couple and family devotions.
2. Start family devo’s this Christmas.
3. Guide your children through the process of making the right choices regarding life partners.
God’s Design for Parenting – Part 1
October 27, 2013 • Ron Moore
1. Children are gift from God.
2. Parents have to have their spiritual act together.
3. The best thing you can do for your child is to be committed to their mother/father.
4. Be the parent!
5. Parenting is modeling and mentoring.
Attack on His Design: Homosexuality
October 13, 2013 • Ron Moore
1. The real struggle of homosexuality is not cultural; it’s personal.
2. Homosexuality is not God’s design.
3. Homosexuality is sin.
4. The temptation of homosexuality can be tamed and the sin of homosexuality can be redeemed.
5. We must respond to those caught in sin as Jesus did.
Attack on the Structure: Relationships
October 6, 2013 • Ron Moore
1. From a human standpoint living together seems to make sense.
• Practice Period
• Convenience
• Scarred and Scared
2. The odds for couples that live together are not good.
• The majority of couples that live together either break up or marry within two years.
• The rate of divorce in cohabitating couples is 50% higher than couples have not lived with each other before marriage.
• After ten years only 15 out of a 100 couples who live together are still together.
3. Living together doesn’t work because it ignores the Biblical Love Package.
Biblical Love Package:
• Friendship (Spirit Love—rea)
• Commitment (Heart Love—yahab)
• Sex (Body Love—dod)
Living together is an attempt at friendship focused on sex without commitment.
4. The Wedding Day is anticlimactic.
A wedding is a public celebration of commitment.
5. We are living together. What should we do?
• Own up to the truth that what you are doing is sin.
• Physically separate (live apart) for at least six months.
• Seek pre-marital counseling.
• Plan a Wedding Celebration with family and friends as a testimony that you are going to do this God’s way.
Attack on the Foundation: Divorce
September 29, 2013 • Ron Moore
Five Biblical Truths About Divorce:
1. Marriage is about God (or marriage is bigger than you).
• The ultimate purpose of marriage is to bring glory to God—together—in a way you can’t do by yourself.
2. God made your spouse for you (or God made you for each other) .
3. God hates divorce. (or divorce is not God’s plan).
• God brought you together and joined you together.
• God expects you to keep your vows.
• He knows what divorce does to children.
4. Scripture gives two reasons for divorce.
• Adultery
• Abandonment
5. I’ve been divorced. Now what?
• Attempt to reconcile if at all possible.
• Determine what you contributed to the divorce.
• Seek God’s forgiveness and accept his grace.
• Seek forgiveness from former spouse for your contribution in the marriage failure.
• Don’t jump into another relationship on the rebound.
• When/if you remarry, make a commitment to do it right…to make it last.
Biblical Sexuality
September 22, 2013 • Ron Moore
1. Sex is God’s idea.
2. Sex is designed for a man and woman within the covenant of marriage.
• Consummation without connection or commitment is animalistic.
• Connection and consummation without commitment is called immorality.
• Connection and commitment without consummation leads to frustration and temptation.
3. God wired men and women differently.
The Primary Differences Between Men and Women Regarding Sensuality and Sexuality:
• Men primarily give intimacy during foreplay and receive intimacy during intercourse.
• Women experience intimacy through touching, sharing, hugging, and communicating.
• Men’s sexual ignitions are wired to visual stimulation.
• Women’s sexual ignitions are wired to touch and relationship.
• Men have a biological need for regular sexual release (every 48-72 hours).
• Women’s sexual desire is tied to relationship and oneness.
4. Training about sex is a family’s responsibility.
You cannot impart what you do not possess.
5. Husbands and wives are responsible to meet each other’s sexual needs.
God's Design for the Family
September 15, 2013 • Ron Moore
1. LEAVING: Complete loyalty to spouse.
2. UNITED TO: Commitment.
“United to”:
• Permanence: Commitment to sticking to the marriage.
• Stability: Commitment to the long haul.
• Meta-Commitment: Commitment to commitment.
• Spiritual Oneness: Developing together a follows of Jesus.
• Physical Oneness: An exclusive fulfilling sexual commitment.
• Mental Oneness: Focusing your thoughts on your spouse.
• Emotional Oneness: Commitment to exclusive feelings.
• Missional Oneness: Going the same way at the same time for the same reasons.
A Sacrificial Love
A Sanctifying Love
A Nourishing Love
A Satisfying Love
Submission does not mean that the wife is inferior in any way to her husband.
Submission does not mean that a woman loses her identity and becomes a non-person in the marriage.
Submission does not mean a woman is a passive participant in marriage and family.
Biblical Submission: In marriage and family issues, wives are to voluntarily submit themselves to the servant leadership of their husbands.
The Attack (Introduction)
September 8, 2013 • Ron Moore
1. Is the Lord truly your God?
2. Is the Lord your only God?
3. Do you demonstrate your love for God with your whole person (thinking, attitude, desires, passion, time, energy)?
4. Are you grounded in the foundations of the faith (knowledge) and are you living grounded (practice)?
5. Are you diligently teaching your children in your home how to love and serve God by your words and actions?
6. Are your thoughts and habits pleasing to God?
7. Does your home standout as uniquely Christian?