
Attack on the Foundation: Divorce

Reference: RM868

September 29, 2013 • Ron Moore

Five Biblical Truths About Divorce:

1. Marriage is about God (or marriage is bigger than you).

• The ultimate purpose of marriage is to bring glory to God—together—in a way you can’t do by yourself.

2. God made your spouse for you (or God made you for each other) .

3. God hates divorce. (or divorce is not God’s plan).

• God brought you together and joined you together.
• God expects you to keep your vows.
• He knows what divorce does to children.

4. Scripture gives two reasons for divorce.

• Adultery
• Abandonment

5. I’ve been divorced. Now what?

• Attempt to reconcile if at all possible.
• Determine what you contributed to the divorce.
• Seek God’s forgiveness and accept his grace.
• Seek forgiveness from former spouse for your contribution in the marriage failure.
• Don’t jump into another relationship on the rebound.
• When/if you remarry, make a commitment to do it right…to make it last.