
Easter (WS)

Westside Campus

April 17, 2022 • Kenan Stolz • Galatians

The word “love” has come to represent a variety of meanings in our culture. We often throw it out
to describe things in which we take great delight. We love certain foods. We love a particular sports
team. We love a nice quiet morning. We love our families. One could accuse us of using the word
“love” too flippantly—the expectation to interpret its significance falling to our listeners. Yet, to God,
“love” is not a junk drawer catch all term. Love is the heart and soul of who God is and what He has
done for His people.
This is put on full display Easter weekend as we remember Jesus’ act of service and love on
the cross. When we consider its significance to God, Paul’s emphasis on love in Galatians is not
surprising. Love is the focal point and underscored as the defining marker of a believer. As believers,
we ought to be known for how we love others. In fact, Scripture tells us that our love for one another
is an indication of whether we’re walking by the Spirit.