
A Gospel Demands (WS)

Westside Campus

May 8, 2022 • Drew Whithorn • Galatians 6

When we approach Scripture, it is important to remember that it wasn’t written solely to us, and its
contents go beyond what it means for each of us specifically. Let us not forget that Galatians was
written to a community of believers—not one person. This community of faith was struggling to live
gospel-centered, Spirit-filled lives. As we've teased out over the last twelve weeks, this problem wasn’t
unique to their situation, but continues to be a struggle for us today.
In the concluding chapter of Paul's letter, we receive a beautiful picture of what a Spirit-led community
could look like. A community defined by the cross is diverse, humble, gentle, gracious, burdenbearing,
generous, future-oriented and—most of all—makes much of Jesus.
What would it take for this to be said about Summit View Church? As we seek to emulate what Paul
calls us to here, may we not grow weary of doing this good work. May we be a people, like Paul, who
boast only in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.