
The Fruit of a Gospel Centered Life: The Spirit Pt. 2 (BG)

Battle Ground Campus

May 1, 2022 • Jon Siebert • Galatians 5:16–26

Growing up, most of us had role models or celebrities we looked up to and tried to emulate. These
people were plastered on our walls, doodled in our notebooks, and spoken of around the dinner
table. While we may no longer seek to be the greatest athlete, biggest movie star, or best writer
anymore, we all should desire to become more like our Savior.
Jesus perfectly modeled a Spirit-filled life, rich with its fruit. Miraculously, Jesus is not merely
some celebrity, sketched in the margins of a page, but personally inserts Himself into our lives,
making recompense for our failures and guiding us in our growth. He shepherds us with His Spirit,
indwelling and empowering us to live in truth and life.