
The Gospel & the Word (BG)

Battle Ground Campus

March 20, 2022 • Jon Siebert • Galatians 3

It’s natural to feel some hesitation when we hear news we perceive to be “too good to be true.”
There’s a certain level of cynicism and skepticism inside each of us that seeks to protect us from
disappointment and prevents us from accepting good news at face value. The simple gift of eternal life,
forgiveness of sins, and acceptance by God, for example, might elicit such a response.
While the Galatians had initially embraced the gospel, they were quick to allow skeptics to deceive
them. Questioning the free gift of grace from God, they determined it must require additional effort
or work on their part. In response, Paul spends Galatians 3 recounting 2,000 years of Old Testament
redemptive history, highlighting Abraham, the father of the faith, who was justified by faith, though
no effort of his own.