
The Fruit of a Gospel Centered Life: The Spirit Pt. 1 (WS)

Westside Campus

April 24, 2022 • Kenan Stolz • Galatians 5:16–26

Galatians 5:22-23 continues to be a popular passage for study and reflection among Christians.
Despite its brevity, these verses provide a comprehensive overview of a life lived in submission to
Christ and the resulting Christlikeness. If we were to put into practice all that Paul has taught up to
this point, we would expect to see results—a tangible expression of faith. The fruit of the Spirit.
It is important to remember that as we take the next two weeks to explore the fruit of the Spirit,
the invitation here is not to grit it out or work harder to become something. If that's our takeaway
we have missed the point and might need to reread the beginning of Paul’s letter. The next two
weeks are an invitation to pause, reflect, and take stock of our lives; to ask ourselves where we see
evidence of the work of the Spirit in our lives today, and to come away deeply desiring more.