
Heart (Re)Alignment

January 22, 2017

January 22, 2017 • Jeremy Peters

The prophet Joel expressed in Joel 2 that in the last days, God would pour out His Spirit on all people - which means that we can now live fully in the River of God's Presence (see John 7:38-39)! It is a profound promise but one that is fully experienced only as we align our hearts around Jesus as first in everything. If the River is going to flow freely and abundantly, we will have to invite the Spirit to show us the debris in our lives that blocks the Spirit's work in us. Pastor Jeremy will be continuing our series on Pathways to the King.

Tenacious Endurance

February 26, 2017 • Lisa Peters

As we wrap up our series on Pathways to the King, Pastor Lisa shares what we need to ensure we stay on the Pathways – Tenacious Endurance!

Refined Through Fire

February 19, 2017 • Jeremy Peters

The metaphor that life is test is seen right throughout the bible – God continually tests people’s character, faith, obedience, love, integrity, and loyalty. Words like trials, temptations, refining and testing occur more than 200x in the bible. The question is, ‘how do we navigate life’s testing and trials in a way that refines us to be more like Jesus?’ Pastor Jeremy continue our series, “Pathways to the King.”

Kingdom-sized Prayers

February 12, 2017 • Greg Mussleman

Greg Musselman will be helping to expand our vision of what it means to pray ‘Kingdom-sized Prayers’ as we continue in our sermon series: “Pathways to the King.” Jesus told us to pray “Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” – as we learn how to more fully access the now-available Kingdom of God, growing in our tenacity and capacity to pray Kingdom prayers will be essential in our pursuit of the King.