
Kingdom-sized Prayers

February 12, 2017

February 12, 2017 • Greg Mussleman

Greg Musselman will be helping to expand our vision of what it means to pray ‘Kingdom-sized Prayers’ as we continue in our sermon series: “Pathways to the King.” Jesus told us to pray “Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” – as we learn how to more fully access the now-available Kingdom of God, growing in our tenacity and capacity to pray Kingdom prayers will be essential in our pursuit of the King.

Tenacious Endurance

February 26, 2017 • Lisa Peters

As we wrap up our series on Pathways to the King, Pastor Lisa shares what we need to ensure we stay on the Pathways – Tenacious Endurance!

Refined Through Fire

February 19, 2017 • Jeremy Peters

The metaphor that life is test is seen right throughout the bible – God continually tests people’s character, faith, obedience, love, integrity, and loyalty. Words like trials, temptations, refining and testing occur more than 200x in the bible. The question is, ‘how do we navigate life’s testing and trials in a way that refines us to be more like Jesus?’ Pastor Jeremy continue our series, “Pathways to the King.”

The Gateway to God's Presence

February 5, 2017 • Nathan Carroll

If our invitation is to live in the river of God’s presence, then thanksgiving and praise must be understood as one of the primary means by which we enter in. However, our current concepts of thanksgiving, praise (and worship) can all-too-often be tied to our “feeling world”, seeking to satisfy a hunger for a “mountain-top” experience rather than being engaged as a discipline that, over time, yields far deeper fulfillment and joy. What does the bible say about approaching thanksgiving and praise in a way that enriches and sustains our life in the river of His presence?