
The Four Soils: The Hard Soil

November 5, 2017

November 5, 2017 • Jeremy Peters

In Mark 4, Jesus uses the language of seed and soil to help illustrate how people respond to the Word of God. The Seed represents the WORD of God, and the Soil represents the condition of the hearts of people in response to the availability of the Kingdom of God.
As powerful as seed is, it is always at the mercy of the SOIL it finds itself in.
We have been tasked with the gift and responsibility to sow seed – the Word of God every where we go, and we believe that the physical building is to serve as a kind of Greenhouse. While no building has power in and of itself to bring about the revolutionary power of a seed, a Greenhouse is the kind of environment where the seed sown can most easily be nurtured, and flourish under the grace and power of God.

Watch Seed Thought #12 now!