
I praise God for burning down straw-men and revealing SCOTUS idolatry

Overturning Roe v. Wade

June 24, 2022 • Brett Baggett • Isaiah 9:6–7

I praise God today! Roe is overturned.

To be more specific, I praise God that one of the straw-man arguments the Pro Life Movement has used to argue against abolition has just been burned to the ground. Roe was never law. Roe should have been nullified, as is the right of every State when the Federal Government enforces upon us something unconstitutional.

Another thing I celebrate today is the exposure of idolatry to the Supreme Court. SCOTUS’s decision should have been nullified instead of bowed down to. And it is as if many are now saying, “SCOTUS is a generous god to now allow the States to decide whether or not babies can be murdered.” SCOTUS is not the Supreme Being, but they have been treated as such by many to our shame.

On another note, as we celebrate the burning down of this straw-man, we must remember that Roe v. Wade being overturned does nothing in itself to provide equal protection to any image bearer.

All SCOTUS did was replace their wicked decision with another one. Though it is less egregious to say “you decide if babies can be murdered in your State” (Dobbs) than it was to say, “you must allow babies to be murdered in your State,” (Roe) it is still a wicked decision.

SCOTUS’s job is to say “The Constitution is clear that none shall be deprived the right to life without due process. Therefore, no State has the right to allow or regulate abortion.” Instead of doing that, they punted to the States and said, “The right to abortion is nowhere in the Constitution.” No kidding! The exact opposite is in the Constitution, but instead of saying that they withheld justice yet again from the preborn.

While some states may use this to stop the killing of children, the fact remains: babies will continue to be murdered in many states under cover of law. Why will the Supreme Court not affirm equal protection of life?

We must keep laboring state by state to protect all image bearers from murder by providing equal protection under law. That is what love and justice looks like.

The straw-man of Roe is burned down.

The next straw-man that needs to be burned down is the false narrative that says “Women are victims.”

Do not rest in this fight until the law is applied equally to all image bearers, therefore abolishing abortion without exception or compromise. We are not there yet, but one day we will be. I praise God for that!

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.” Isaiah‬ ‭9:6-7‬

The Procedure CHOICE42

October 31, 2022 • Kevin Sorbo

Why did this medical professional quit after what he witnessed?

Rescue Those Booklets

September 9, 2022

You can get any of our three booklets in multiple quantities to both read yourself and give away to friends, family, pastors, ministry leaders, and magistrates. BOOKLETS AVAILABLE • The Role of Civil Government • Loving Your IVF Neighbor • How Can We Rescue Those Being Taken Away to Death? COMING SOON Hormonal Birth Control booklet Email http://rescuethose@gmail.com with your address, and we will ship you a booklet. Donations are appreciated.

Murder Mill Closed in Tulsa

August 6, 2022

Today many gathered outside of Tulsa Women’s Clinic, where babies used to be murdered. Tammy Brown brought a sign that read “BABIES WERE MURDERED HERE.” No longer. Though abortion is not yet abolished in Oklahoma, because there is no law protecting children from self-managed abortions, we still praise God for shutting down this murder mill. Press on, saints. Abortion is murder. Christ is King. May we act like it. “For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15:25‬