
Rescue Those Booklets

Resources to educate, equip, and mobolize

September 9, 2022

You can get any of our three booklets in multiple quantities to both read yourself and give away to friends, family, pastors, ministry leaders, and magistrates.

• The Role of Civil Government
• Loving Your IVF Neighbor
• How Can We Rescue Those Being Taken Away to Death?

Hormonal Birth Control booklet

Email rescuethose@gmail.com with your address, and we will ship you a booklet. Donations are appreciated.

The Procedure CHOICE42

October 31, 2022 • Kevin Sorbo

Why did this medical professional quit after what he witnessed?

Murder Mill Closed in Tulsa

August 6, 2022

Today many gathered outside of Tulsa Women’s Clinic, where babies used to be murdered. Tammy Brown brought a sign that read “BABIES WERE MURDERED HERE.” No longer. Though abortion is not yet abolished in Oklahoma, because there is no law protecting children from self-managed abortions, we still praise God for shutting down this murder mill. Press on, saints. Abortion is murder. Christ is King. May we act like it. “For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet.” ‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15:25‬

Value Them Both FAILED in Kansas

August 2, 2022 • Brett Baggett • Psalm 82:2–4

Value Them Both failed in Kansas. This is good, long term, for justice on behalf of the preborn in this state. The VTB Amendment would have, in the name of saving as many babies as we can, made it unconstitutional to abolish abortion as murder in Kansas. Therefore, in the end, VTB would have led to much more blood being shed while most pro-lifers would have been ignorant to the fact for some time. Why? Because the Pro-Life Movement would have touted this as a great victory, and likely deceived many through it, while babies would still be murdered under cover of law. More than that, it is a good thing that VTB failed because it is immoral to vote for the right to regulate murder like it is healthcare. We must not regulate homicide; we must criminalize it, period. The same homicide laws that protect you should protect all image bearers of God from the moment of fertilization until natural death. We must be Christ-centered, not humanistic; Bible-believing, Bible-speaking, and Bible-obeying, not secular; Church-driven, not para church abdicating; Justice seekers, not compromisers; and we must trust the Lord’s providence, not man’s pragmatism. “How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? Selah Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute. Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked." Psalm 82:2-4 Press on. There is good work to be done and Christ is King. Soli Deo Gloria.