
Collective Guilt & the Gospel

2 Samuel 21:1-9 & Romans 5:12, 18-19

October 25, 2020 • Rev. Josh Hahne

This is the final Sunday in the You Asked… sermon series. Over the last several weeks we’ve been bringing our questions to the Scriptures and moving together toward answers. We’ve considered topics as diverse as the Problem of Evil, if miracles continue to occur today, and the Christian vision for sexuality.

This Sunday we take up a question that has caught our nation’s attention and is at the center of our discussion about politics, race, and morality—how should we think about collective guilt? Are we corporately responsible for the actions of others who have gone before us?

Join us on Sunday for worship on the lawn as we take up this question of collective guilt and think about it in light of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Josh