
The Farewell Discourse: Christian Unity

John 17:1-26

April 7, 2019 • Rev. Josh Eby

Have you ever wondered what Jesus prays for you?

At the conclusion of Jesus' Farewell Discourse to his disciples, on the eve of his crucification, he lifted up his eyes to heaven and prayed to his Heavenly Father for his disciples and the forthcoming church.

This 26 verse prayer, often titled Jesus' "High Priestly Prayer," is his longest recorded prayer.

This Sunday we have the honor of having the Rev. Josh Eby back in town to conclude our Lenten sermon series by preaching on Jesus’ famous prayer recorded in John 17.

To best prepare for Sunday's sermon, read and meditate on all 26 verses of John 17. As you do, may you reflect specifically on the key theme of Christian unity.

I look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday!

Pastor Adam

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