
The Return of the King

Matthew 21:1-11

April 14, 2019 • Rev. Matthew Trexler

Are you ready?

Are you prepared to celebrate the most climactic day of the year?

Easter is almost here. 9 days and counting!

Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent have helped us prepare for the glory and joy of Easter. However for many of us, 46 days is a bit long of a preparation season. When leaving for a trip, we are lucky if we pack a day or two early!

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. It marks the beginning of Holy Week, a week specifically dedicated to intensify our preparation for Easter. If you have yet to pack, yet to begin your preparations, may this Sunday be the day that helps you get started.

We are honored to have the Rev. Matthew Trexler, the RUF Campus Minister at UCLA, preaching a Palm Sunday sermon from Matthew 21:1-11, Jesus' famous triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a donkey.

I look forward to worshiping with you, and preparing alongside you for the glory and joy of Easter!

Pastor Adam

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