
The Farewell Discourse: The Holy Spirit

John 16:5-15

March 31, 2019 • Rev. Chris Stratton

Father, Son, AND Holy Spirit.

Over and under-emphasis of the person of the Holy Spirit is extremely common. In some churches you would think that God is not triune, but is only functioning in the mode of the Holy Spirit. In others, you may wonder if there is even a person known as the Holy Spirit, because he is never mentioned.

Jesus' Farewell Discourse to his disciples, recorded in the Gospel of John, is drenched in trinitarian language. In chapter 14 the Holy Spirit was introduced as another Helper, and Jesus develops this reality more in chapter 16.

This Sunday the Rev. Chris Stratton will continue our Lenten series on The Farewell Discourse by teaching on the topic of the Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John chapter 16. To best prepare for Sunday, read and meditate on chapters 14 & 16. Reflect on the reality that we worship a Triune God, and that the Holy Spirit is a real and active person of the Trinity, who is a Helper to us every minute of every day.

I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday!

Pastor Adam

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