
20 Truths Series

Help for Battling Porn Addiction

Series Intro

Steve Gallagher

#1: There is a Way Out

Steve Gallagher

For the struggling Christian, deliverance from porn addiction seems insurmountable. But no matter how deep in sexual sin someone is, no one is too far from the outstretched arm of the Lord! Hear Steve Gallagher's personal testimony and be encouraged to stay in the fight!

#2: Sexual Sin is a Liar

Steve Gallagher

Since the garden, Satan's primary tool to lead people into sin has been deception and Christians in ongoing sexual sin believe more lies than they think. Watch this video as Steve Gallagher exposes some of the other lies that feed porn addiction so you can begin walking in truth.

#3: Sexual Sin Comes with a Price

Steve Gallagher

"For the wages of sin is death." In this video, Steve Gallagher details some of the effects that sin has on the soul who is engaged in ongoing sexual sin.

#4: Go Near the Prostitute's House and You Will Get Burned

Steve Gallagher

Every believer will be tempted to sin. For those addicted to porn, even the slightest temptation seems unconquerable. Steve Gallagher pulls out key principles in scripture that any struggling Christian can apply to turn away from temptation and down the road toward victory and deliverance.

#5: Sexual Addiction is the Epitome of Insanity

Steve Gallagher

There is no connection between the average Christian in sexual addiction and someone diagnosed as insane. Or is there? Watch as Steve Gallagher correlates what typically defines the insane with the actions of the typical sex addict.

#6: Behind Sexual Addiction Lies the Pleasure Hormone

Steve Gallagher

Psalm 139:14 says the human body is "fearfully and wonderfully made." Just under our skin are complex biological systems that work together with our spirit that make up the whole person, with one of the premiere systems being the mind. Sexual addiction corrupts the spirit using our minds as its pathway. How can we practically use our minds to take us farther from degradation and closer to freedom from pornography? Watch as Steve Gallagher expertly blends the physical with the spiritual as he describes the genesis of addiction.

#7: Satan Wants to Plant a Stronghold Inside You

Steve Gallagher

There's no doubt that demons play a key role in the formation of sexual addiction. But is a demon the cause of the addiction? Steve Gallagher biblically defines what a stronghold is and how demonic activity manages to fortify them.

#8: Lust Begins in the Heart

Steve Gallagher

Deliverance from porn addiction isn’t won merely through abstinence from technology. The battle ground is within the heart. Steve Gallagher explains why understanding this truth is pivotal for any Christian desperate to overcome sexual sin.

#9: The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom

Steve Gallagher

Proverbs 1:7 is arguably one of Solomon’s most famous couplets. But what does the fear of the Lord have to do with overcoming an addiction to porn? It’s actually a very vital part of the process. The trend in our grace-saturated church culture is to limit the definition of “fear” to just reverence. While this is part of it, it’s surely not the whole. Steve Gallagher takes on this critical topic and guides the struggling Christian into how true fear of God will set him on the path to freedom from sexual sin.

#10: The Root of Sexual Addiction Probably Isn’t What You Think it Is

Steve Gallagher

What is the root of sexual addiction? The answer is not what you are expecting. In the age in which we live, our culture screams, “Live for self!” The avenues of which are seemingly endless. Advertisements galore call out to us and tell us that in order to be happy and fulfilled we must buy their product or be a part of their experience. Indulgence is not only offered, it is highly encouraged. More often than not, a life of simplicity is seen as strange and scoffed at. Sexual addiction does not happen overnight. Though a person’s history may include circumstances beyond their control, being held captive to sin, especially pornography, is a process. While addictions vary, every addiction begins with a single experience and grows exponentially because of a lack of a person’s self-control. For the Christian stuck in porn, their hang-up is more the culmination of a life of self-centeredness than anything else. So what does the Bible say about this kind of life? Steve Gallagher explains how his life was shaped by selfishness which primed him for an uncontrollable addiction to pornography and how understanding the role “self” plays in sexual addiction will lead the Christian into a life of true fulfillment and joy.

#11: A Form of Godliness Does Not Have the Power to Deliver from Sin

Steve Gallagher

For many Christians, living out their faith doesn’t go far beyond going to church on Sunday, not swearing, and not drinking alcohol. But is this all that defines a Christian? Is this what Jesus was talking about when he posed the question, “when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” The Apostle Paul’s visit to Ephesus brought about a revival among its citizens characterized by wholehearted devotion to Christ. But what started as a pure and genuine following after the Lord became a faith in formalism, having the appearance of godliness but denying its power. Throughout the history of the Christian church, this downgrade of adoration is a common outcome for many revivals that lose that passionate pursuit of Jesus that marked their inception. Following suit, the American church has become a well-polished machine and its members have become more devoted to Christianity’s doctrines than to Christ Himself. For the Christian addicted to porn, history cannot repeat itself. There IS power to overcome sexual addiction, but there’s more to it than consistent church attendance. If you’re desperate to be free of your sin, follow Steve Gallagher as he exposes the powerlessness of dead religious activity and encourages believers not to settle for an empty Christian existence.

#12: You Must Repent of Sexual Sin

Steve Gallagher

A popular self-help notion is that it takes 21 days to break a habit. For someone who has been addicted to porn (either for months or decades), that’s good news, right? Unfortunately, freedom from the grip of sexual sin is not as simple as that and there are no “quick fixes.” What this technique does correctly, however, is advocate change. Biblical change is defined by the Apostle Paul in Romans 12:2 (NASB), “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” For the Christian, this key principle is worked out through “repentance.” This might be shocking to most, but when the sex addict claims to have repented, more often than not he has merely resolved to stop sinning, and that mainly through his own efforts. Repentance involves much more than memorizing some Scripture verses and being up-to-date with the latest chart-topping worship song. Steve Gallagher shares more of his testimony and shows how God made repentance a lifestyle for him, and helps believers trapped in the cycle of addiction break free from sexual sin using the same strategy. Also, watch the video “Sexual Addiction and the Pleasure Hormone” for more information about the physiological effects of the repentant life.

#13: Hedonism Opens the Door for Pornography

Steve Gallagher

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” While there may be some truth to this adage, the human heart bends toward the hedonistic ideals of ALL play with as little work as possible. There is nothing wrong with having some pleasure in this life in its proper place. But hedonism says that pleasure is the prime goal of life and anything that causes pain or discomfort should be avoided at all costs. The mind that thinks like this is just one click away from a porn addiction. Modern hedonism traces its roots to an 18th and 19th century philosopher named Jeremy Bentham. He said, “every law is an infraction of liberty,” and, “the greatest happiness of the greatest number is the foundation of morals and legislation.” His whole aim in life was to live pleasure-filled and pain-free. Does this not describe the goal of much of modern America? And sadly, this also represents a large number in the American Church. Bentham’s ideology is nothing new. Scripture tells us of the danger of living a pleasure saturated lifestyle through King Solomon 3000 years ago. The wise king wrote in Ecclesiastes 2:10 (NET), “I did not restrain myself from getting whatever I wanted; I did not deny myself anything that would bring me pleasure.” At the end of this pursuit he would write in Ecclesiastes 12:8 (NLT), “Everything is meaningless…completely meaningless.” In our day, has Scripture’s warnings about the pitfalls of seeking after pleasure fallen on deaf ears? The answer is a resounding “yes.” With the American Church being influenced more by a hedonistic culture than the Bible, it is no wonder why so many Christians are addicted to pornography. Steve Gallagher gives keen insight as to how a life lived with no restraint regarding pleasure and indulgence is the perfect breeding ground for sexual sin.

#14: Scripture Will Restructure a Pornographic Mindset

Steve Gallagher

For centuries, the Bible has been the source of hope. Romans 15:4 (ESV) says, “For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” It is in the Holy Spirit inspired Word of God where everyone who is in desperate need can expect to find true and lasting remedies to any issue. It exposes sinful attitudes, penetrates hardened hearts, and cuts out falsehood. Scripture has the inherent power to rebuild a soul that has been marred, ruined, and devastated by sin. And that is wonderful news for those who find themselves amid the destruction of sexual sin. For the Christian determined to press on in the battle, the Bible declares that restoration is not merely possible, but a promise. Steve Gallagher expounds on key principles penned by King David and shows how clinging to Scripture and dwelling on the testimonies of God will reform, reconstruct, and restructure a mind dominated by pornography.