
#6: Behind Sexual Addiction Lies the Pleasure Hormone

Steve Gallagher

Psalm 139:14 says the human body is "fearfully and wonderfully made." Just under our skin are complex biological systems that work together with our spirit that make up the whole person, with one of the premiere systems being the mind. Sexual addiction corrupts the spirit using our minds as its pathway. How can we practically use our minds to take us farther from degradation and closer to freedom from pornography? Watch as Steve Gallagher expertly blends the physical with the spiritual as he describes the genesis of addiction.

Series Intro

Steve Gallagher

#1: There is a Way Out

Steve Gallagher

For the struggling Christian, deliverance from porn addiction seems insurmountable. But no matter how deep in sexual sin someone is, no one is too far from the outstretched arm of the Lord! Hear Steve Gallagher's personal testimony and be encouraged to stay in the fight!

#2: Sexual Sin is a Liar

Steve Gallagher

Since the garden, Satan's primary tool to lead people into sin has been deception and Christians in ongoing sexual sin believe more lies than they think. Watch this video as Steve Gallagher exposes some of the other lies that feed porn addiction so you can begin walking in truth.