
#12: You Must Repent of Sexual Sin

Steve Gallagher

A popular self-help notion is that it takes 21 days to break a habit. For someone who has been addicted to porn (either for months or decades), that’s good news, right? Unfortunately, freedom from the grip of sexual sin is not as simple as that and there are no “quick fixes.”

What this technique does correctly, however, is advocate change. Biblical change is defined by the Apostle Paul in Romans 12:2 (NASB), “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” For the Christian, this key principle is worked out through “repentance.”

This might be shocking to most, but when the sex addict claims to have repented, more often than not he has merely resolved to stop sinning, and that mainly through his own efforts. Repentance involves much more than memorizing some Scripture verses and being up-to-date with the latest chart-topping worship song.

Steve Gallagher shares more of his testimony and shows how God made repentance a lifestyle for him, and helps believers trapped in the cycle of addiction break free from sexual sin using the same strategy. Also, watch the video “Sexual Addiction and the Pleasure Hormone” for more information about the physiological effects of the repentant life.

Series Intro

Steve Gallagher

#1: There is a Way Out

Steve Gallagher

For the struggling Christian, deliverance from porn addiction seems insurmountable. But no matter how deep in sexual sin someone is, no one is too far from the outstretched arm of the Lord! Hear Steve Gallagher's personal testimony and be encouraged to stay in the fight!

#2: Sexual Sin is a Liar

Steve Gallagher

Since the garden, Satan's primary tool to lead people into sin has been deception and Christians in ongoing sexual sin believe more lies than they think. Watch this video as Steve Gallagher exposes some of the other lies that feed porn addiction so you can begin walking in truth.