
Should I Marry Someone Addicted to Porn?

Josh Bergstrom

Marriage may seem like the very solution to a person’s struggle with pornography. But if that were true, why are so many marriages devastated by sexual addiction?
What many people find is that while marriage may alleviate the temptations for a time, a deeper stronghold lurks within the persons heart. Pornography addiction is only the tip of a greater root issue.

Fifty years ago, the idea of marrying someone addicted to porn would have been out of the question, especially for professing Christians. But sadly, in the days that we live in, it has become a concern for many women.

In this episode, Josh Bergstrom tells us his own story. It began with the same hope of freedom and the devastating pain when he discovered that marriage was not the cure. But through the years, the Lord has opened his eyes to truths that have set him free and many others just like him.