
How Do I Respond if My Child is Viewing Pornography?

April 10, 2020 • Josh Bergstrom

No sincere Christian parent wants to discover that their child is viewing porn. Unfortunately, the ever-increasing sexualization of the youth is making this more of a reality. Navigating through this issue to a good resolution may seem daunting or even impossible. Do not fear! With God, all things are possible! Pure Life Ministries has seen the Lord’s transforming power for decades. Pornography cannot stand when the Lord is at the center of the fight.

What would you say if we told you that this is a blessing in disguise? You’d probably say we're crazy. But laying aside your worries and having clear mindedness will help you see that God is granting you and your child a pivotal opportunity to learn some valuable and foundational aspects to living the Christian life as we confront the culture.

In this episode of Ask the Counselor, Josh Bergstrom discusses how Christian parents can respond to this weighty matter using Biblical principles. You will be able to guide your child with confidence as you work your way through to the end knowing that the Lord is with you as you follow His design and purpose.