
How Do I Deal with the Suffering of Betrayal?

Part 2

How do you surrender to the Lordship of Christ knowing the path will include suffering? The most natural inclination for many is to desire a happy life and a happy marriage, not realizing that these things may at times be contrary to God’s plans. God’s desires and plans for us are good, but how can that be when so often there is suffering among his people.

This puts us at an eternal crossroads and we must ask ourselves, “is this really God, or is this just the result of evil in the world?” We must decide whether God is telling the truth when he says that his plans for us are good; either God is a liar, or he is unable to keep His promise of working all things together for good.

Kathy and Steve Gallagher’s ministry has helped thousands of men and woman struggle against the influence of the world, the enemy and their own sinful inclinations. This struggle is a process laden with suffering but God is in this process, and His goal is sanctification and, ultimately, eternal life.

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