
Cereal Decline

Day 31

February 14, 2018

Breakfast cereal sales are down thirty percent over the last fifteen years. Are people growing up? Are their tastes changing? No, it’s not that. The reason most people have moved on from cereal is laziness. Surveys have shown that they just don’t want to clean up after themselves after eating a bowl of it. Seriously. People would rather eat protein bars and toss the wrapper than pour milk over flakes of corn. All because it takes less effort.

Many have grown accustomed to finding the easiest way. And that might explain the decline in those proclaiming to follow God these days. Fact is, there is nothing easy about being a Christ-follower. Jesus tells us in Matthew 16:24 "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me.”

Living for Jesus involves sacrifice, putting others first, and dedication. There’s no substitute for taking up our cross daily and serving the people that God puts in our path. The burden is heavy... the work is hard... and the required surrender is total.

But when we commit to it... the reward is eternal and the impact is monumental. Find yourself looking for simple Christianity? Seeking an easy way to serve God? Don’t bother. There are no shortcuts when it comes to following Jesus. But when we go all in and dedicate ourselves to His people... the blessings we receive are more than we could ever imagine or deserve.

Window Shapes

February 23, 2018

Have you ever wondered why an airplane’s windows are rounded? They weren’t always that way. In fact, early aircraft were well known for their perfectly square panes of glass. However modern technology allowed planes to travel faster and before long some manufacturers found their planes falling apart in the air. The engineers worked hard to find the cause of these breaks and soon found out that it was the squared windows. The corners of the glass were weak spots and couldn’t stay intact at high wind speeds. Thus... the rounded corner window was born. Everything has a weak spot. You do too. Have you ever sat and thought about what it is? What tempts you to do things you shouldn’t? What do you find yourself swearing you won’t repeat but do anyway? The Bible talks about the reason for this in Matthew 26:41. Jesus tells us, “Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak!” Our flesh is weak. God is strong. And when the speed of life increases... somewhere at the corner of good intentions and willpower... we start to buckle. We don’t possess enough internal fortitude to stand up to the unrelenting pull to sin. However, when we commit to God that we will watch for weak spots and pray for strength when we find them... God gives us the ability to replace temporary satisfaction with long-lasting joy. Don’t wait for your life to crash to make changes... call out to God and round out the windows of your life. You may not be able to stop the pressure but you can build things into your life to prevent it from bringing you down.

Bedside Table

February 22, 2018

Have you stayed in a hotel lately? When was the last time you opened the bedside table drawer to see if there was a Bible in there? According to a recent study, chances are the table will be empty. In 2006, nearly all hotels had the word of God by the bed... but in 2017 that number is less than fifty percent. Why? The answer is sad but simple. In many parts of our world, people feel as though they don’t need God’s word as much. They think of the Bible as a great book of suggestions... but because their lives are going so well they really don’t need to follow what’s in there. When people stop reading it... or specifically asking for it... hotels don’t feel obligated to provide it. Out of sight, out of mind. It’s easy to wonder what the world is coming to... but here’s the saddest truth of all. There are some people that DO have a Bible and never open it. Not having a Bible to read is one thing... not reading the one we have is tragic. Today take some time and start your journey through the scriptures. Maybe start with the life of Christ in Matthew 1:1... dive into the wisdom-filled proverbs... or enjoy the challenges and encouragement that comes from books like Ephesians or Colossians. What lessons did Moses’ life give us? Why did Jesus come? If you’re a believer... recommit to spending time with God daily to grow and gain understanding of God’s heart through His word. A little time with the Bible each day can radically change the direction of your life for the better.

Superman Saves The Day

February 21, 2018

Their home was about to be foreclosed on. There was no hope among them as they packed the boxes up one after another... getting ready to leave the place they loved and grew up in. The home had been in the family since the 1950s... but it looked like the financial trouble the current members of the family found themselves in would be the end of the decades-old connection they had with the house. That is until Superman saved the day. In a dark corner of the garage sat an unmarked and long-forgotten box filled with comic books . In that box sat a copy of Action Comics #1 in great condition. What’s so special about that book? It was the very first appearance of Superman. Street value? Well north of a million dollars. That old comic from someone who lived long ago in the house was going to pay the amount due and keep the property safe. Miracles still happen. Sometimes superheroes save homes. Cancer re-checks come back unexplainably clear. Doomed marriages end in reconciliation not divorce. God hasn’t given up answering prayer... and He does so in any and every way He sees fit. Find yourself praying for something that seems hopeless? God wants to remind you that He is the author or hope. About to give up on something? Ready to quit on someone or yourself? Keep praying... God is working behind the scenes in ways you may not realize. Stay patient. Keep the faith. And don’t quit. And when things seem darkest and you don’t know where to turn... reach out. You’ll find yourself in the loving arms of a Savior who counts your tears and loves you more than you realize. Superman may be able to fly... but only Christ can heal a broken heart and bring joy to the beaten down. Hang in there... God’s got you.