
Bedside Table

Day 39

February 22, 2018

Have you stayed in a hotel lately? When was the last time you opened the bedside table drawer to see if there was a Bible in there? According to a recent study, chances are the table will be empty. In 2006, nearly all hotels had the word of God by the bed... but in 2017 that number is less than fifty percent. Why?

The answer is sad but simple. In many parts of our world, people feel as though they don’t need God’s word as much. They think of the Bible as a great book of suggestions... but because their lives are going so well they really don’t need to follow what’s in there. When people stop reading it... or specifically asking for it... hotels don’t feel obligated to provide it. Out of sight, out of mind.

It’s easy to wonder what the world is coming to... but here’s the saddest truth of all. There are some people that DO have a Bible and never open it.

Not having a Bible to read is one thing... not reading the one we have is tragic.

Today take some time and start your journey through the scriptures. Maybe start with the life of Christ in Matthew 1:1... dive into the wisdom-filled proverbs... or enjoy the challenges and encouragement that comes from books like Ephesians or Colossians. What lessons did Moses’ life give us? Why did Jesus come? If you’re a believer... recommit to spending time with God daily to grow and gain understanding of God’s heart through His word. A little time with the Bible each day can radically change the direction of your life for the better.