
Superman Saves The Day

Day 38

February 21, 2018

Their home was about to be foreclosed on. There was no hope among them as they packed the boxes up one after another... getting ready to leave the place they loved and grew up in. The home had been in the family since the 1950s... but it looked like the financial trouble the current members of the family found themselves in would be the end of the decades-old connection they had with the house. That is until Superman saved the day.

In a dark corner of the garage sat an unmarked and long-forgotten box filled with comic books . In that box sat a copy of Action Comics #1 in great condition. What’s so special about that book? It was the very first appearance of Superman. Street value? Well north of a million dollars. That old comic from someone who lived long ago in the house was going to pay the amount due and keep the property safe.

Miracles still happen.

Sometimes superheroes save homes. Cancer re-checks come back unexplainably clear. Doomed marriages end in reconciliation not divorce. God hasn’t given up answering prayer... and He does so in any and every way He sees fit. Find yourself praying for something that seems hopeless? God wants to remind you that He is the author or hope. About to give up on something? Ready to quit on someone or yourself? Keep praying... God is working behind the scenes in ways you may not realize.

Stay patient. Keep the faith. And don’t quit. And when things seem darkest and you don’t know where to turn... reach out. You’ll find yourself in the loving arms of a Savior who counts your tears and loves you more than you realize. Superman may be able to fly... but only Christ can heal a broken heart and bring joy to the beaten down. Hang in there... God’s got you.