
The Faithful Witness

John Alley

October 16, 2016 • John Alley

As an introduction to his message, John Alley takes some time for testimonies from the congregation of healings and answered prayer, thus building an atmosphere of faith and expectation within the meeting. John follows up with prayer for the sick and then goes on to speak of spiritual truth, which is not discerned by the natural mind but with spiritual insight. Spiritual truth, says John, is not rationally understood, although it is certainly not irrational. Rather, a capacity for spiritual understanding is required. In Psalm 89, the moon is described as “the faithful witness in the sky”. It is always there, constant and reliable in all of its phases. John then speaks of Jesus, whom the Bible describes as “the faithful witness”. Antipas, an early Christian martyr is also described as a faithful witness. John’s challenge is closing in to consider our own lives. Are we faithful witnesses to the gospel? Do we stand ready to speak a word when the opportunity arises, and to pray for those who do not believe? Am I faithfully emulating Jesus’ way of life? These questions leave the listener with much to consider.

Santa the Evangelist

December 25, 2016 • John Alley

Each Christmas we in the church hear much of Christ, but those outside the church hear more of Santa than Christ. But do not despair, Santa is an evangelist. Listen to this interesting message by John Alley on the missionary work of Santa Claus.

Jesus - The Name!!

December 18, 2016 • John Alley

John Alley explores the meaning of the name “Jesus”, which in the Hebrew language means “Jehovah with us”. John goes on to ably illustrate from the Scriptures the origins of the name Jehovah, or Yahweh, drawing parallels between the attributes of Yahweh, or God, and Jesus. John makes mention of the fact that the Old Testament speaks of Yahweh but in every New Testament reference to the very same prophecies and scriptures it becomes “the Lord”. John shows from Bible references that Jesus Himself says that He is “I Am”. In fact, says John, the wonderful name of Jesus is the full revelation of the name Yahweh. In this message is a wealth of meaning and significance regarding Scripture fulfilled and the plurality and eternal nature of the Trinity.

The Big Invisible Kingdom

December 11, 2016 • David Alley

David Alley speaks of the marvelous sign of God’s great love and blessing to all men that the Christmas season is, with all of the music and public display of the nativity. And yet, those who do not believe do not see the truth which is so rich in meaning for all people. David reads for Isaiah, Luke, and Matthew as well as 1 Corinthians which tells us that we are living in the days of the fulfillment of the ages. The Kingdom of God will never end, and yet it is invisible to those who do not look for it. David exhorts us to want and to seek more of the love and revelation of God. We can, David says, grow year by year in appreciation of the goodness of God. God has given us the greatest gift of all, says David, therefore it is fitting that we give Him all that we have – our very selves.